Clitheroe Golf Club
Golf club and golf course in Clitheroe,Lancashire with available memberships and visitor offers on green fees, tee times, open competitions, society golf days.
Upcoming Events & Tickets | |||
We know of no upcoming events at Clitheroe Golf Club, if you know of an event please list it here. If you'd like to receive instant alerts when new events are posted at this venue, please complete the form below. |
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Nearby venues | |
The Bay Horse Hotel, Clitheroe | 0.65kms |
Eagle At Barrow, Clitheroe | 2kms |
The Swan with Two Necks, Clitheroe | 2kms |
The Freemasons Arms, Clitheroe | 2kms |
Clitheroe Rugby Union FC, Clitheroe | 2kms |