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Today's Performances
38945 Rhinestone Rodeo:
23:00, London
45480 Maunders School Of Popular Music ...
19:00, Salford
45537 Livity Sound: Peverelist, Hodge &...
21:00, Bristol
11817 Hamilton
19:30, London
19968 Gordon's Alive - Rock Classic Cov...
19:00, Bathgate
39367 NOVA FRIDAYS ***2-4-1 Drinks*** @...
22:00, Birmingham
42306 Mascara Drag Show
19:00, Edinburgh
45988 Ines Rae
19:00, London
45509 George Michael Tribute By Johnny ...
20:00, Milton Keynes
35608 Troy Hawke: the Greeters Guild
20:00, Warrington
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Tomorrow's Performances
47397 DJ Neptune & Friends Party
22:00, Bedford
30514 Car Boot Sale
08:30, Newbury
31118 Valley Leisure Centre parkrun
09:30, Newtownabbey
11815 The Mousetrap
19:30, London
46036 Centenary Club (Stockport County)
12:30, Wrexham
73 Rooted in the ruins family quest
10:00, Wareham
73 Blossom arch
09:30, Derby
30913 Newent Community School/Forest Le...
09:00, Newent
31285 War Memorial Park parkrun
09:00, Coventry
30304 Hostile Euphoria
22:00, Newcastle upon Tyne
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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