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Today's Performances
73 Beginners' Running group
10:15, Barnsley
Pub Quiz
20:00, London
33308 Reading Speed Dating | ages 38-55
19:00, Reading
Weekly Pub Quiz Night
20:30, Bristol
73 Wimpole Wednesday Walks
11:00, Royston
73 Festival of Blossom
10:30, Newport
73 Charlecote's Blossom Walk
09:00, Warwick
45270 She's The Man
18:00, Glasgow
15075 Southampton Ghost Tour
20:30, Southampton
11833 The Phantom Of The Opera
19:30, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
73 Blossom Photography Workshop
13:30, Cardiff
Standup featuring: Rob Deering, J...
20:00, Smethwick
41096 Speed Dating in Mayfair @ Loop Ba...
19:30, London
45648 The Maine: the Sweet 16 Tour
19:00, Manchester
45101 October Drift
19:00, Edinburgh
73 Apprentice House Tours
11:00, Wilmslow
37727 Sophie McCartney
17:30, York
73 Kober, Arsenik, Sten A Changing ...
10:00, Penzance
33857 Speed Dating in Cardiff for 37-54
19:30, Cardiff
73 Guided parkland walks
13:30, Chippenham
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Location: Leicester Square, London
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